While not a qualified dietitian, I completed a sub-major in Sports Nutrition as part of my university qualifications and have a keen interest in the way diet and nutrition affects our health. We all know good nutrition is integral to a healthy lifestyle but how do we achieve it and importantly, maintain it. I have investigated hundreds of diet and weight loss plans and put many to the test. I’ve sorted the facts from the fads and I know what works and what doesn’t. I understand how different people need different plans and will actively work with you to help you develop better and healthier eating habits that are right for you. Combined with your personalised exercise program, I guarantee you will get positive and sustained results.
For specific conditions or high level guidance and structure we have one of Melbourne’s leading sports Dietitians Lisa Middleton on board as part of our elite team. I have known Lisa for close to 20 years now and referred many clients each way over the years. Lisa has worked as head Sports Dietitian with the Essendon, St Kilda and Hawthorn AFL football clubs and also was previously the President of Sports Dietitians Australia. We have co-presented on numerous workplace health seminars and likewise others for the general public. We are thrilled to have Lisa as an integral part of our team and we all have unlimited access to her vast knowledge and experience.
With Just In Time Personal Training you will not have any of my team aligned to dodgy network marketing companies such as Herbalife, Isagenix, Amway, Kyani, Juice Plus or the rest. What you will get is an honest appraisal of your eating habits and we will then work with and educate you to healthier and sustained healthy eating to help steer you toward the results you want.