Personal Training and Gym Management roles at Just In Time Personal Training that comes with Mentoring from Justin Moran!

Just In Time Personal Training and Workplace Health have a number of opportunities to join our team and all come with mentoring from Just In Time Managing Director – Justin Moran.

Just In Time Personal Training exclusively employs University Degree qualified trainers and we currently have the following roles ready to start immediately (if you are successful in the 4 stage interview process over 2-4 weeks!):

• MELBOURNE ROLES – Personal Trainer (mobile and Southbank/Docklands gyms) with Gym Shifts across the three gyms that we manage (all in the Docklands x 3 positions! – Starting ASAP with 5-15 hours per week+ but will rapidly grow to 25-40 (your choice!). Evening and/or Saturday morning availability and having completed all study will gain preference. 

• GEELONG/BELLARINE ROLES – Personal Trainer (mobile) – We have had rapid growth here in the last 12 months and keen to add another trainer! Starting ASAP with 5-10 hours per week+ but will grow to 25-40 (your choice!).

• MORNINGTON PENINSULA ROLE –  Personal Trainer (mobile) – We are looking to set-up and cover this wide area and this is an opportunity for one person to start and build up this area! Starting ASAP! 

There are countless opportunities for roles as a Personal Trainer across Victoria but we would like to spell out a number of reasons why this is the workplace for you:

• We value only the highest quality and hence only employ University Degree qualified trainers (our clients value this too)
• You will have an almost daily (at the minimum a weekly) interaction with Managing Director Justin Moran and he will push and drive you to be the very best that you can be. He will personally mentor you and help develop you to deliver the very highest standard of service.
• You do not have to pay any rent and never will, in fact you will be provided with (all at no cost): uniform, $1500 worth of exercise equipment, 25+ years’ experience and credibility!
• You will proudly be an employee of Just In Time, not a contractor.
• You will work alongside 11+ like-minded successful individuals that have already grown and developed at Just In Time.
• You will have versatility in your role with the opportunity to work in one, two or three of our Gyms that we won 3 tenders in the space of 10 months! These gyms offer a great opportunity for growth and are all located within 1km of each other in the scenic Docklands precinct.
• You will have the flexibility to work the hours that you want and so many opportunities from Personal Training, Workplace Health, Gym Supervision, Fitness Classes, Assessments, Strength and Conditioning, Special needs populations and of course Gym Management!

We have experienced unprecedented demand since Covid hit our shores and in fact our business has almost doubled!

Your first test is to watch a lengthy 12 minute video that outlines all that Justin and Just In Time are about and was initially made when looking for a first full-time trainer many years ago but rather than make a new one – the passion and message delivered is still relevant to this day!

When you watch the video – it will either ignite a flame and inspire you or it won’t and we wish you well in your future. If it resonates, you are in for a great experience and opportunity and we hope to receive your application!

Click here to the view the video

Please note that if you are not prepared to watch the video in its entirety and you don’t have an initial affinity, excitement or share the same passion, please don’t apply – joining this team is not for everyone.

We are looking for attention to detail and the key will be your passion, initiative, integrity and desire to work hard for a career and not ‘just another job’. If you want to excel and be pushed for greatness – this is the place for you. If you want to be average, perhaps this is not the place for you 😉

Have a look below at a testimonial from one of our current Melbourne team:

What we require to join our team:

  • You must have completed a 3-4 year Tertiary/University Degree in an Exercise or Sports Science related course (Not a certificate 3 or 4 course).
  • Experience preferred but not essential. We will educate and develop you in all that you need to be a first-class trainer if you have the attributes that we team are looking for. Being a good person and having a fun and easy going personality will be a great head start!
  • You must be passionate about helping people improve their health, fitness and well-being in a holistic manner – not just delivering intense workouts and counting reps or writing up generic workouts on a whiteboard! Something that we all live by is the mantra “people don’t care what you know, until they know you care”.
  • You must be fully-vaccinated!

This is a unique opportunity to work under one of Victoria’s best and longest serving Personal Trainers who will help you not only develop and be the best Personal Trainer that you can be, but is actually intent on helping you grow as a person, future manager at Just In Time and/or helping you develop your own business in the future. Put simply if you are not wanting to be pushed to be the very best you can be, perhaps you should look elsewhere as this is for a high-achieving, goal-driven person.

If you are prepared to devote yourself to a career with us and work a 25-40 hour week, you will in the space of 9-12 months build to an annual salary of between $65,000-$110,000 with your Superannuation paid in addition. Remember – you will never pay rent!

These current positions will see you start automatically with 10 sessions per week and will then build up rather rapidly in the New Year! 

Justin previously worked as a Personal Training Operations Manager of a well-established nation-wide Workplace Health and Personal Training company for 15 years whereby he was in charge of all PT staff interviewing (hiring), training and development. We have the most vigorous interview process that we are aware of in Melbourne! Note that we expanded to cover Geelong and the Bellarine Peninsula in 2017 as well as all over Melbourne. We are entering our tenth year and we will continue to grow with many more opportunities for many years to come!

For each of these positions you must be an Australian resident and possess and Australian Citizenship as we are searching for those wanting to take up this role for 2-5 years+ and a keenness to develop under Justin’s guidance and mentorship.

You must have your own car and Australian driver’s license and employment will be conditional on you not losing your license in your tenure. The main gist of this role is that you will be providing a ‘mobile’ Personal Training service with no rent necessary by you.

MELBOURNE ROLES – Many of our clients reside in first-class apartment developments across Melbourne including most notably Eureka Tower, Freshwater Place, Australia 108, Melbourne Square, Prima Tower, Capitol Grand, The RekDek, The Wharf Club and 35 Spring St. You will be provided with all equipment ($1500 worth) to take to your clients – some being outdoors or at people’s homes.

GEELONG/BELLARINE ROLES – The main gist of these roles is that you will be providing a ‘mobile’ Personal Training service with no rent necessary by you. Many of our clients train from their homes, parks or by the beach! We have a very strong client-base predominantly in Barwon Heads and Ocean Grove followed closely by Geelong, Torquay and across other parts of the Bellarine! You will be provided with all equipment ($1500 worth) to take to your clients!

You must have passion for training each and every client with their best interests at heart and be solely focused on exceeding their needs and expectations with an emphasis on:

* Lifestyle balance

* Long-term behaviour change

* Health, posture, fitness, well-being and an overall holistic approach.

If you have a bootcamp, crossfit or F45 approach or background – please do not apply as that is as far from ‘personal’ as you can be.

The positions will commence ASAP and your hours will build as you develop and the business continues to grow and expand rapidly. You would join our current team of 12 trainers and note that we are the ONLY Personal Training company in Victoria that exclusively employs University degree fully qualified trainers.

If this excites you and you would like to get more of a background on Justin and our team, please be sure to check out the video!

Click here for a link to our current amazing team!

Also, have an extensive look over our website and if you think that this position is for you, let’s chat and send across your resume accompanied by a personalised application letter!

Thanks in advance,

Justin Moran

Just In Time Personal Training and Just In Time Workplace Health

0411 798 934

[email protected]

Please click here and keep and eye on our careers page below at anytime for upcoming positions!